Rest and Recovery

Hi friends! Welcome back!

Today on the blog we are talking about the importance of rest and recovery! I haven’t stepped foot into a gym since just before we moved and the pandemic closed down the world. After spending at minimum 7 years inside of a gym, to go from an iron sanctuary to nothing at all, I haven’t really focused on any type of rest and recovery. However I have laid a foundation for working out and eating healthier within the last 30 days. This last month I have completed most of the workouts I had scheduled for myself, and I’m paying more attention to how food makes me feel. Meaning if I consume too much sugar and I feel like crud.

However the other day, I completed an upper body workout that used muscles I had long since forgot about it, by bedtime I was so sore I could barely sleep. A sign of over training. How do we avoid over training? We take our rest and recovery days seriously.

Here are some of my favorite ways to practice R&R.

Pre-pandemic – I would definitely recommend splurging for a massage. Unless you are currently living in a place where you’ve been able to beat the corona virus, make sure your therapist is practicing safe, hygienic precautions. Cleaning their space thoroughly, spacing between clients, and wearing a mask. This is the ultimate way to bring recovery to over used muscles.

Epsom Salt Bath – even if you have a simple bathtub like mine, you can still have a nice warm bath. According to WebMD Epsom salt isn’t actually salt! It’s called salt because of it’s chemical structure. When placed in water Epsom salt dissolves into magnesium and sulfate – the theory being once the Epsom is broken down into these minerals, the warm water opens up your pores and the magnesium and sulfate is absorbed through the skin. Although there has yet to be an evidence of this actually happening, the warm water does help ease sore muscles and stiff joints. I will also add essential oils like lavender for mood boosting and relaxation.

Yoga – some yoga workouts can be intense and body sculpting, but others can also be used for stretching and relaxation. Yoga not only does the body good but the mind as well, as it has the ability to keep your mind where your hands and feet are. Focusing on breath work, gratitude, yoga has the capability to work your body without any equipment. One of my ultimate favorite post run yoga stretches is legs up the wall. Legs up the wall can restore tired legs and feet, regulate blood flow, as well as stretches the back, neck, and torso!

In my simple home gym post I also talked about the importance of using heat for tight muscles and cold for sore muscles. Using a heating pad or a rice sock can help with tight muscles. An ice pack for pain or soreness in a particular area. It’s been awhile since I’ve practiced the art of an ice bath but these are essential when marathon training. It reduces recovery time needed, added benefit… cold doesn’t necessarily have to be ice freezing cold, but at the very minimum colder than your body temperature.

Foam rolling. Another imperative when your muscles feel tight. To help break up the binding knots in your muscles after a series of intense workouts foam rolling is a great way to do this. It’s not quite as relaxing as a massage but it will help get you through until you are able to see your massage therapist.

Lastly, I take 1 full rest day. Meaning, no hard workouts. I typically schedule my rest day for Sundays. It’s my time to put my feet up, watch some guilty pleasure shows (like endless amounts of Christmas movies – this time of year.) take an Epsom salt bath while dinner cooks slowly in the crock pot. Rest days are encouraged, not only because it’s biblical (God rested on the 7th day ya’ll) but because our bodies demand that if we want to push forward we have to take a break.

Last but not least, adequate sleep, and hydrating. Keeping your muscles loose but pliable will help with delayed on set soreness, overtraining, and generally just helps you feel better.

What are some ways that your keep your body ready for your next workout? How do you rest and recover?

Thanks for stopping by friends! Next week I review two of my favorite Fitness apps Nike Run Club and Fit On.

Sending blessings to you and yours this Holiday season. Happy Christmas, A

Published by goerungirl

"If you're referring to the incident with the dragon, I was barely involved."

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